An Online Tool

Used by more than 20 million students in schools, homes, and offices around the world.

Engage everyone, everywhere. Explore millions of teacher-created quizzes ready to use in your own classrooms.

Students ALWAYS see questions on their own screen. No stressing about whether everyone joined your video conference.

Bring people together (apart) with live quizzes and polls. Build community and keep everyone engaged—even if you’re not in the same place!

Assign quizzes and engage families on their own time. Create student-paced assignments, share flashcards, and get families involved too.

Top Tips and Links

Case Study

An extensive database of quizzes gives teachers a solid starting point. Quizzes can be assigned as homework through Google Classroom, and scores automatically update in Google Classroom if students link accounts. Teachers can view reports by student to see which questions they answered incorrectly or can view students' responses by question. Students can have questions read aloud.
Sumedha Sodhi
Ahlcon International School


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