
Welcome to IncludEdu

Our innovative FREE framework tool lets you put the needs of your learners first!

Having identified your learner’s individual needs, you can follow our Framework. It is a simple step-by-step process that will provide you with a bespoke menu of ‘Assistive Tech’ tools, to help include all learners. Each tool page contains a demonstration video, top tip, case study and relevant link to ensure you can facilitate personalised learning in your fully inclusive classroom or home environment.

The Step-by-step IncludEdu framework

Identify a learner. Open up the Framework and select the appropriate area of learning need.

Choose a sub-category within the area of learning need

Indicate which hardware you’ve got (or intend on having!) access to.

As if by magic, you can then view your bespoke menu of Assistive Tech tools, allowing personalised learning for every learner in your classroom.

Become an IncludEdu Ambassador

How it works

IncludEdu allows you to put your learner’s needs first to identify how relevant Assistive Technology and specialised equipment can be implemented to support and enhance the personalised experience of learners

By following the IncludEdu framework, users can identify the rationale behind using each identified and relevant Assistive Technology tool to support an individual learner’s needs.

You can comment on the quality, usefulness and accessibility of assistive technological aids and specialised equipment, by viewing real life Case Studies, and by then having your say on each of the assistive technological tools by commenting on each one!

Key Organisations

what is includEdu?

IncludEdu aims to help education practitioners and families make decisions about how they can personalise a learner’s experience through the integration of Assistive Technology into mainstream, small group or individual learning activities. Following the identification of a specific or additional need, Educators can select relevant Assistive Technology solutions to support, promote and enhance learning to include all learners.

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